Equipping Leaders for the Urban Ministry

Learn how to share your faith,in a multicultured world improve your Evangelism skills and get a better understanding of Evangelism through the ministry of presence.

Register Today!for the upcoming Chaplain Training Registration deadline June 18th. 2024

Online Classes begin on Monday nights July8th.

Mandatory practical weekend workshop

New Students - Module 1 | | Current Students -

Invest in your relationship with God

For most with a desire for urban ministry, the idea of attending Bible College or seminary is virtually impossible. It is too expensive, offered far from their homes, and often does not relate to urban life and ministry. They cannot leave their jobs or their churches to give four years for ministry training. Even if they could find a way to relocate, they would need to win the lottery or be befriended by someone who is rich, just to afford the education.

Furthermore, many could not satisfy the academic requirements necessary for admission. Having given up on the idea for further training, these dear leaders do the best they can, often working a full-time job while pastoring a church that desperately needs more of their time and attention.

Our courses are affordable and flexible

The Urban Ministry & Chaplaincy Institute provides seminary-level instruction through our 16-module curriculum with courses in Biblical Studies, Theology and Ethics, Christian Ministry and Urban Mission & Chaplaincy.

Affordable: Our courses cost less than 15% of traditional seminary or graduate school tuition.

Urban: Every course is geared toward effective urban ministry focusing on the challenges and opportunities of serving Christ in the city.

Flexible: Students take our courses in the evenings and on weekends, over ZOOM and in small group classes.

Practical: All classes are designed to equip students for urban ministry and can be taken for credit towards our Certificate, Diploma and Degree programs.